Daily Events

Friday, June 21, 2024

  • 10am-4pm:  Arrival!
    • Choose a campsite and report your campsite # at the registration office
    • Settle horse/pony in stall.  Make sure the stall card is visible.
    • Check in with Paul and the Health Officer at the office.
  • Stall decorating begins.  
  • 4pm-4:30pm:  Mandatory Clinic Orientation at announcers booth. 
  • 5pm-Vet checks begin
  • 6pm-7:30:  Session 6
  • 8pm-9:00  Golden Hour!

Saturday, June 22, 2024

  • Tack sale begins in posse barn.  Bring your items clearly marked with name, phone #, and price to be displayed.
  • Finish stall decorations

Sunday, June 23, 2024

  • 10am Judging begins for stall decorations
  • 8pm Ice Cream Social “Potluck Style!”  Bring a topping to share!  Ice Cream and Cones will be provided.  You may bring your own bowl!  Stall winners announced!

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

  • Voting for Smiley award begins
  • Evaluations available online
  • 6pm-Timers will be set up for Gymkhana runs for session 6
  • 8pm-Clinic Show featuring vaulting teams, ceremony after
  • Shaving cream fight after awards ceremony.  Bring goggles!!!

Wednesday, June 26, 2024Clinic ends after Session 5-Good Bye ’till we see you in 2025!

  • At the end of your LAST CLASS (Tues. or Wed.) 
    • Clean horse/pony’s stall.  Nothing can be left in or on the stall walls.
    • Check out with a Barn Manager.  
    • Check out with the Health Officer.

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